about me

"it is never too late to be who you might have been"  -george eliot


Hi. My name is Elena. I am a Pisces. A while back before I knew astrology, I could recognize only a few qualities of my personality: kind, sensitive, caring, emotional, easily hurt, aloof. I became a medical professional, where every day I could exercise some of my personality traits. There was always something missing. I longed to explore how the mind and behavior work, and to find the line between emotional, mental and physical balance. More so, I wanted to find myself. Every day felt as if it was a groundhog day. Eventually from emotional stress, I developed a lower back pain and I couldn't get rid of it. Something in my life was missing. That something I found in astrology. It unlocked many other traits of my personality that I didn't know I possessed: determination, focus, motivation, sexuality, magnetism, passion and strong-will. I discovered that I am not a pure Pisces after all. I learned to exercise my personality traits through the compensatory practices of the planets in my personal cosmo horoscope in accordance to their zodiac signs. I noticed amazing changes in my life that I welcomed with open arms, because they gave me satisfaction, new hobbies, creativity, talents,  elevated my potential and my lower back pain improved. This astro psychology turned out to be an astonishing journey towards my life purpose and authenticity.

I am glad I have a chance to help many others to find uniqueness, and interpret the language of the universe to help them grow. I chose to practice personal astrology because I believe in the uncertainty of society, one that requires people to be awakened to their innate essence. 

a comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever growth there